BFNA Official Website - 501(c)3 non-profit, Blaisdell Papers publisher. Blaisdell,
Membership in the Blaisdell Family National Association includes a subscription to the Blaisdell Papers.
The Blaisdell Papers have been published by the Blaisdell Family National Association (BFNA) at least twice a year since 1935, making it the fifth oldest, continuously published family journal in the US.
The Blaisdell Papers document the genealogy, history, news items, accomplishments, births, marriages, anniversaries, deaths and obituaries of Blaisdell family members. These stories are a reflection of our nation’s cultural and genealogical heritage.
Published in June and December, each issue now averages 84 pages (on acid free paper for longer shelf life) with an average of 40 black and white photos per issue. Since 1935 there have been 12 volunteer editors.
The Editor welcomes news articles of Blaisdell family members: accomplishments, recognitions, graduations from high school, college or trade school, baptisms, weddings, historical accounts, memoirs, poems. Send original photos by email attachment in .jpg at 300 dpi or by mail, and they will be scanned and returned to you.
The Blaisdell Papers will be sent to any genealogical library or historical society requesting a subscription. Currently 38 leading genealogical libraries are receiving Blaisdell Papers.
Membership Dues Update: Beginning January 1st, 2023, Subscription to the Blaisdell Papers increased to $25 per year which automatically conveys BFNA membership to the subscriber. Gift membership is now $20 per year.
The Blaisdell Papers have been published by the Blaisdell Family National Association (BFNA) at least twice a year since 1935, making it the fifth oldest continuously published family journal in the US.
Subscription, including membership, to the Blaisdell Papers is $25 per year which automatically conveys BFNA membership to the subscriber. Gift memberships are $20 per year. Blaisdell Papers on DVD containing publications from 1935-2015 is available for $15. Shop the Blaisdell Store
If you prefer to mail your membership you can download the form using the link below. Please fill out the requested information.
Remit your check payable to: Blaisdell Family National Association (or BFNA) and mail it with the membership form to:
Blaisdell Family National Association
2343 SW Barbara St.
McMinnville OR 97128-9585
Attn: Everett Curry, Treasurer.
For your convenience, use the BFNA Store on our website - For further inquiries contact Bonnie Blaford <>, president or Everett Curry <>, treasurer.
The Blaisdell Papers document the genealogy, history, news items, accomplishments, births, marriages, anniversaries, deaths and obituaries of Blaisdell family members. These stories are a reflection of our nation’s cultural and genealogical heritage.
Published in June and December, each issue now averages 84 pages (on acid free paper for longer shelf life) with an average of 40 black and white photos per issue. Since 1935 there have been 12 volunteer editors.
The Blaisdell Papers will be sent to any genealogical library or historical society requesting a subscription. Currently 38 leading genealogical libraries are receiving Blaisdell Papers.
The Blaisdell Papers are sent to leading genealogical libraries. We recover our costs when either a library pays for their own subscription or when a family member sponsors a library with a $25 gift subscription.
Blaisdell Papers on DVD contains our publications from 1935 through 2015 and is available for $15.
For those who cannot afford an annual BFNA Basic Membership in order to receive Blaisdell Papers, the Association will send these at no cost as long as we have the funds to do so. Donations to the Association’s Endowment Fund enable us to help those with more limited resources.
John Blasdel Jr., Editor,
Blaisdell Papers
2159 Basket Lane, Apt 306,
Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025
(513) 919-2609
The Editor welcomes news articles of Blaisdell family member achievements, recognitions, graduations (from high school, college, or trade schools), baptisms, weddings, historical accounts, memoirs, or poems.
Send copies of the original photos by email attachment in .jpg format at 300 dpi resolution. You can also submit articles to the editor by mail. Check the BFNA Officers page for the address. Your photos will be scanned and returned to you.
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